Smart Exercise for Rounded Glutes
The amazing muscles in your backside – known as your gluteal muscles – help your body stay upright, keep your body moving forward and help you power through your workouts.
The amazing muscles in your backside – known as your gluteal muscles – help your body stay upright, keep your body moving forward and help you power through your workouts.
Training your calves is important because of the wide use of those muscles, including during walking, running, jumping, and moving your body during functional movements.
Strengthen your quadriceps — the muscle group at the front of your thighs — with a few exercises adapted from gym workouts that you can do in the comfort of your living room.
It’s often said that you shouldn’t skip a leg day. Leg workouts are important for several reasons, yet they are sometimes neglected in favor of upper-body workouts.
Exercising your hamstrings — the group of three muscles stretching from your buttocks to your knees — can tone this potentially problematic area.
Triceps are elegant machines in their own right. It’s a group of three muscles, which connect your arm to your body, and which allow you to push with your hands and extend your elbows.
With the huge rise in popularity of fitness systems like Crossfit, women seem to have finally shaken the stigma surrounding barbell training.
When we exercise for that toned physique, we focus on so many muscle groups and various exercises to boost our confidence and athletic performance.
The triceps are the large muscles on the back of the upper arms that are responsible for elbow, shoulder, and forearm movements.
New exercise equipment can inject some excitement into your routine — or even help motivate you to start your fitness journey.
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