DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

When They Friend Me on Facebook but Secretly Can’t Stand Me 😏🤷‍♀️


Ah, the wonders of social media. They click that “Add Friend” button, we exchange pleasantries, and voila, we’re now connected online. Little do they know, they have a whole different opinion about me offline! 🙃😅

It’s like a virtual world where they can keep up appearances and pretend to enjoy my presence. Meanwhile, in reality, they’re probably rolling their eyes and counting the seconds until they can escape our interactions. 😂🕐

But hey, who am I to judge? We all have our own little secrets and hidden personas. So, let’s keep up the facade, give those Facebook likes, and pretend that we’re the best of friends while secretly knowing the truth. 😜🤫

#FacebookFriendship #HiddenOpinions #VirtualVsReality #PretendingToLikeYou #KeepingUpAppearances 😏📱