DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

Me: I’ll Definitely Wake Up at 6 AM! Reality: 🥲😭


Ah, the familiar tale of setting the alarm for an ambitious 6 AM wake-up call, only to find myself sobbing at 1 AM as I realize the cruel reality. 😭⏰

It’s like making a pact with my future self, who apparently possesses boundless energy and unwavering determination to conquer the day at the crack of dawn. But when the moment of truth arrives, my present self can only muster tears of regret. 🥲💤

Note to self: Next time, let’s reconsider those late-night Netflix marathons, shall we? 📺🍿

So here I am, caught between the desire for productivity and the comfort of my cozy bed. Maybe one day, my sleep schedule and alarm clock will find common ground. Until then, pass me the tissues. 😴🥺

#EarlyMorningStruggles #SleepDeprivedAdventures #LateNightNetflix #AlarmClockDrama #NoMoreTearsPlease 😭😴